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OMERACT is a global, volunteer-driven, not-for-profit organization committed to improving outcomes for patients with autoimmune and musculoskeletal diseases through advancing the design and quality of clinical studies.

Through rigorous methodology and our global Working Groups, OMERACT supports the development of Core Outcome Sets (COS), identifying patient and disease-relevant areas to be measured (domains) and the corresponding measurement instruments for use in clinical trials, including those for regulatory approval of new treatments.

Interested in joining the OMERACT Community?

We are excited to invite you to join the OMERACT mailing list! This will ensure you stay updated on our latest news and activities.
In addition to joining our mailing list, we also encourage you to become part of our active Working Groups. Being part of these groups is an opportunity to collaborate with experts in the field, contribute to important discussions, and influence the future direction of rheumatology outcomes research.
We look forward to your valuable contributions and active participation in our community.


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For inquiries and further assistance, please contact: Shawna Grosskleg, OMERACT Secretariat

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